UAT Institutional Strategies Fact Sheets

Our most recent quarterly fact sheets are available below. Each fact sheet contains detailed information in a printable PDF. To download a fact sheet, click the icon next to a strategy.


All Strategies
Fund Name Fact Sheet
Loomis Sayles Asset Selector Equity Rotation Index
All Cap Growth
Global Allocation
Global Emerging Markets Equity
Global Equity Opportunities
Global Growth
International Growth
Large Cap Growth
Long/Short Growth Equity
Mid Cap Growth
Small Cap Growth
Small Cap Value
Small/Mid Cap
Small/Mid Cap Growth
Cori Test
Cori Test 2
Cori Test APM
Euro High Yield Credit
Euro Investment Grade Credit
Sustainable Euro Investment Grade Credit
Intermediate Municipal Bond
3-15 Year National Municipal Bond
Asia Bond Plus Unhedged in USD
Core Disciplined Alpha
Core Fixed Income
Core Municipal Bond
Core Plus Fixed Income
Core Securitized
Core Stable Value Fixed Income
Corporate Disciplined Alpha
Credit Asset
Emerging Markets Corporate Debt
Emerging Markets Corporate Debt - Investment Grade Plus
Emerging Markets Debt Blended Total Return
Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency
Emerging Markets Short Duration Credit
Euro ABS Investment Grade
Euro ABS Opportunities
Global Aggregate Bond in USD (High Yield Eligible)
Global Credit/Corporate GBP Hedged
Global Credit/Corporate in USD
Global Debt Unconstrained in USD
Global High Yield Full Discretion - Hedged to USD
Global World Bond in USD (High Yield Eligible)
High Yield Conservative
High Yield Full Discretion
Intermediate Core Disciplined Alpha
Intermediate Credit Disciplined Alpha
Intermediate Duration Fixed Income
Intermediate Duration Stable Value Fixed Income
Investment Grade CLO
Investment Grade Corporate/Credit Bond
Investment Grade Intermediate Corporate Bond
Investment Grade Securitized Credit
Long Corporate Disciplined Alpha
Long Credit Disciplined Alpha
Long Duration Corporate Bond
Long Duration Credit
Long Duration Government/Credit
Multisector Credit
Opportunistic Securitized Credit
Pure Agency MBS
Senior Floating Rate and Fixed Income
Senior Loan
Short Duration Fixed Income
Short Duration Stable Value Fixed Income
Short Duration (3 Year ) Municipal Bond
Strategic Alpha
Strategic Alpha Opportunistic
Systematic US High Yield
Tactical Credit Asset Opportunities
US High Yield
World Credit Asset



Fixed Income Strategies
Fund Name Fact Sheet
Intermediate Municipal Bond
3-15 Year National Municipal Bond
Asia Bond Plus Unhedged in USD
Core Disciplined Alpha
Core Fixed Income
Core Municipal Bond
Core Plus Fixed Income
Core Securitized
Core Stable Value Fixed Income
Cori Test
Cori Test 2
Cori Test APM
Corporate Disciplined Alpha
Credit Asset
Emerging Markets Corporate Debt
Emerging Markets Corporate Debt - Investment Grade Plus
Emerging Markets Debt Blended Total Return
Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency
Emerging Markets Short Duration Credit
Euro ABS Investment Grade
Euro ABS Opportunities
Euro High Yield Credit
Euro Investment Grade Credit
Global Aggregate Bond in USD (High Yield Eligible)
Global Credit/Corporate GBP Hedged
Global Credit/Corporate in USD
Global Debt Unconstrained in USD
Global High Yield Full Discretion - Hedged to USD
Global World Bond in USD (High Yield Eligible)
High Yield Conservative
High Yield Full Discretion
Intermediate Core Disciplined Alpha
Intermediate Credit Disciplined Alpha
Intermediate Duration Fixed Income
Intermediate Duration Stable Value Fixed Income
Investment Grade CLO
Investment Grade Corporate/Credit Bond
Investment Grade Intermediate Corporate Bond
Investment Grade Securitized Credit
Long Corporate Disciplined Alpha
Long Credit Disciplined Alpha
Long Duration Corporate Bond
Long Duration Credit
Long Duration Government/Credit
Multisector Credit
Opportunistic Securitized Credit
Pure Agency MBS
Senior Floating Rate and Fixed Income
Senior Loan
Short Duration Fixed Income
Short Duration Stable Value Fixed Income
Short Duration (3 Year ) Municipal Bond
Strategic Alpha
Strategic Alpha Opportunistic
Sustainable Euro Investment Grade Credit
Systematic US High Yield
Tactical Credit Asset Opportunities
US High Yield



International Strategies
Fund Name Fact Sheet
International Growth


Multi Asset Strategies
Fund Name Fact Sheet
Credit Asset
Global Allocation
World Credit Asset