UAT Liability Driven Investments Solutions Partnership The LDI Solutions team partners with clients, consultants and Loomis Sayles’ investment teams to help deliver our best pension solutions Offer customized solutions via standard third-party benchmarks, spliced benchmarks, liability benchmarks, cash flow solutions and overlays Partnership approach combining our actuarial, quantitative and credit expertise Leading edge analytics via our proprietary LDI Toolkit Our Partnership Approach At Loomis Sayles we recognize that pension plan sponsors face a multitude of challenges beyond simply investing assets. Our partnership approach is designed to evolve as the plan evolves by providing total plan strategy, insights and analytics to help meet your objectives at every stage in a plan’s lifecycle. The integration of our LDI Solutions team with the portfolio management team’s alpha generating capabilities designed to deliver desirable outcomes for plan sponsors at every step of the way. More on LDI Liability Driven Investments Solutions Diversified LDI Liability Benchmarks Cash Flow Generation Completion Management Glide Path Design Cash Balance Hedging LHA Design Liquidity Solutions Overview as of December 31, 2024 LDI AUM BY BENCHMARK Funds and their amounts color in donut fund amount Long Corporate$5.7BLong Credit$4.8BLong Gov/Credit$3.1BSpliced Benchmark$2.3BHighly Customized$2.8BSTRIPS$0.6B LDI AUM BY INVESTMENT PLATFORM Funds and their amounts color in donut fund amount Relative Return$11.7BDisciplined Alpha$3.9BAlpha Strategies$1.3BFull Discretion$1.9BPension Solutions$0.6B LDI Philosophy Active credit should serve as the foundation of our LDI portfolios Be wary of overly complex solutions that may lead to a false sense of precision Seeking to understand actuarial and liability nuances is critical to our success Use capital-efficient duration hedges when possible LDI Capabilities Advisory Analytics Total plan modeling Funded status scenarios Design Benchmarks Liability-hedging assets Glide paths Cash balance plan hedging Market Intellegence LDI trends Pension regulation insights Pension risk transfer Implementation Benchmarks Standard third-party Spliced Manage directly to liabilities Solutions Diversified LDI Cash flow generation Overlay management Completion management Funded status monitoring End-game options Reporting Customized The Team Loomis Sayles has an experienced team dedicated to custom pension solutions. We partner with clients and consultants to design and implement our best liability hedging structures while also providing LDI market intelligence, thought leadership and customized reporting. Justin Teman, ASA, CFA Head of LDI Solutions /internet/internetdata.nsf/files/webSite-JustinTeman.jpg/$FILE/webSite-JustinTeman.jpg 21 years of experience as of 2024 Xinjia Liu Quantitative Analyst /internet/internetdata.nsf/files/webSite-XinjiaLiu.jpg/$FILE/webSite-XinjiaLiu.jpg 15 years of experience as of 2024 Abby Lynch Pension Solutions Analyst /internet/internetdata.nsf/files/webSite-AbbyLynch.jpg/$FILE/webSite-AbbyLynch.jpg 9 years of experience as of 2024 Ryan Jackson Asset Liability Quantitative Analyst /internet/internetdata.nsf/files/webSite-RyanJackson.jpg/$FILE/webSite-RyanJackson.jpg 7 years of experience as of 2024 The ability of an actual portfolio to deliver the required cash flows is not guaranteed and is subject to a variety of factors including, but not limited to, the availability of bonds, active management and trading, transaction costs, default risk, reinvestment risk, rebalancing risk and liquidity risk. Commodity, interest and derivative trading involves substantial risk of loss. Any investment that has the possibility for profits also has the possibility of losses. This is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Investment decisions should consider the individual circumstances of the particular investor. Any opinions or forecasts contained herein reflect subjective judgments and assumptions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Loomis, Sayles & Company, L. P. Investment recommendations may be inconsistent with these opinions. There can be no assurance that developments will transpire as forecasted. Examples and analysis are provided for illustrative purposes only and do not represent actual accounts. Accuracy of data is not guaranteed but represents our best judgment and can be derived from a variety of sources. Opinions are subject to change at any time without notice.